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General terms and conditions of use of the website 

1. Introduction

1.1. This document establishes the terms and conditions of use (hereinafter "Terms and Conditions") of the websites managed by ELDO s.r.l. , (Company Register, n.REA: AV - 206764), hereinafter the " Operator  ". This includes and applies, in particular, to the websites available at the addresses:,,  (hereinafter the “ Websites ”).

1.2.  The Websites are accessible to the public without registration. However, to use some services, you need to log in with a username and password after registering a user account, which we call USER ACCOUNT. The terms and conditions of registration and other provisions relating to the use of the USER ACCOUNTS are listed in Article 2 of these Terms and Conditions.

1.3.   Specifically, these Terms and Conditions define the general rights and obligations in the use of our Websites. The specific rules of the individual sites are added to these Terms and Conditions, which apply to all the Operator's websites. web and the services offered or sold therein. Therefore, the purchase of goods at the E-SHOP is governed by the general terms and conditions of purchase.

1.4.  The Operator points out that the content created or published by the user is in no way controlled, verified or approved by the Operator during registration and storage. Therefore, the user's content, any of its documents, their description and labeling or other information disseminated by the user may contain factual, legal, technical or formal inaccuracies or errors and cannot in any way be considered as advice or opinions of experts. The Operator does not guarantee the quality or flawlessness of the contents published by other users and is not liable to other users of the Websites for any damage caused by their use.

1.5.   The Operator is not required to check and verify the substantive and legal aspects of user content and reserves the right to remove or make unavailable any user content at any time without notice. If the Operator becomes aware of the illegal nature of the content stored by the user, he is obliged to take the necessary measures and to make such content unavailable or to remove it.

1.6.  If there is a suspicion that any part of the content unlawfully infringes another person's copyright or is otherwise in violation of applicable laws or the legitimate interests of another person or entity, or these Terms and Conditions, such suspicion can be reported using the "CONTACT US" section or, if this is not available, you can contact us with a request to make unavailable or remove the content in question by e-mail to info

2. User Account

2.1.   The USER ACCOUNT is a unified user account that can be used to access the E-SHOP or individual online services.

2.2.  To use the USER ACCOUNT, you need to register on www. At the time of registration, the user is required to provide basic personal data to the minimum extent of: name, surname and e-mail address. These personal data must be truthful and the user is obliged, and undertakes, to keep them updated.

2.3.   The user cannot allow third parties to use his USER ACCOUNT and is fully responsible for all damages resulting from the disclosure of his access data to third parties.

3. Personal data and information processed

3.1.  We pay particular attention to the protection and processing of personal data as well as the terms and conditions and other information relating to the processing of personal data contained in our  Privacy policy , which includes, among other things, information on the use of cookie  and similar technologies on our Websites. By using our Websites, you acknowledge and confirm that you have read the Privacy Policy and information on the use of cookies and similar technologies.

3.2.  La Privacy policy  and information on the use of  cookie  and similar technologies are part of these Terms and Conditions. The full text is available at the links provided above.

4. Use of the Websites

4.1.   The use of the websites is free, unless the relevant part of the websites expressly indicates the costs associated with their use.

4.2.   The Websites and the services provided through them are intended for individuals over the age of 18, healthcare professionals or companies operating in the dental sector. Purchases of some specific products are permitted only to healthcare personnel.

4.3.   By using the Websites, you represent that you have read these Terms and Conditions, understand them and accept them. If you do not fully understand any part of these Terms and Conditions or if you have any other questions regarding these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at .

4.4.   The Operator's objective is to provide users with permanent and error-free access to the Websites. However, the Operator reserves the right to limit, modify or discontinue the operation and / or free use of the Websites. or parts thereof at any time and without notice.

4.5.   The Operator declares not to be responsible for any repercussions caused by the unavailability or limited availability of the Web Sites. To the maximum extent permitted by generally binding legal regulations, the Operator excludes liability towards users; in particular, the Operator will not be liable for any damage suffered by the user in relation to the use of the Websites, in particular for any damage suffered due to events that could not be objectively influenced, therefore the user renounces any request. of compensation.

5. Hardware and software  and Internet connection

5.1.  To use the Websites, you must purchase and maintain the end device hardware and software and the Internet connection (hereinafter "User Equipment") at your own expense.

5.2.   Before using the Websites, users are required to verify that the websites are compatible with the user's equipment.

5.3.   The user assumes full responsibility for the risks associated with the operation of the Internet connection and other communication systems, in particular for the risks of data transmission, including wireless data transmission, including the risk of illegal access and unauthorized transmission of data, the risk of acquisition and monitoring of data transmission and the risk of interruption of data transmission. In this regard, the user is aware that the Operator strongly recommends paying due attention to the user's Equipment.

6. Permitted Use of Websites

6.1.   Under these Terms and Conditions, you may only use the Websites in the usual manner and for their intended purposes. In particular, the user is required to refrain from any activity aimed at unauthorized copying, manual or automatic extraction of the contents of the Websites, including scraping, the artificial increase in requests and overloading the accessibility capacity of the Sites. Web, entering or sharing illegal content via the Websites, sending unsolicited or harassing messages, etc. The use of the Websites must not contravene these Terms and Conditions, generally binding legal rules or good morals, nor interfere with the rights and legitimate interests of the Operator, other users and third parties.

6.2.   The information and contents published on the Websites are intended for personal use, unless otherwise explicitly indicated, and cannot be copied, used, resold, transferred, transmitted, modified, not even partially and in any form without the consent of the Operator.

7. Third party content, including links to third party websites

7.1.  The Websites may contain content that is not owned by the Operator and which the Operator does not control in any way (hereinafter "Third Party Content") and it is possible that the Websites redirect the user to third party Content through internet links. You acknowledge that Third Party Content is in no way a confirmation, endorsement or endorsement of Third Party Content by the Operator and that the Operator has no control over such Third Party Content.

7.2.   You acknowledge that the use of the Third Party Content is governed by separate terms and conditions of service of the Third Party Content that are available through the content itself.

7.3.   The Operator declares that it is not responsible for any consequences caused by the unavailability or limited availability of third party Content. With respect to the Contents of third parties, the Operator excludes its responsibility towards users; in particular, the Operator will not be liable for any damages suffered by the user in connection with the use of third party Content.

8. Website Security

8.1.   The user must not misuse the websites and must not use procedures, software tools or scripts in relation to them that may have a negative impact on their operation, interfere with their functionality, cause unreasonable charges or carry out any other activity. which may constitute an unauthorized interference with their structure in consideration of their purpose and functioning.

8.2.   The Operator reserves the right to restrict the user's access to the websites in the event of a violation of these Terms and Conditions, of generally binding legal rules or morality, or even in the event that there is only a legitimate suspicion of such behavior, without notice, without any indemnity and in an unquestionable manner.

9. Intellectual Property Rights and Reservation of Inability to Transfer Rights by the User

9.1.  The Websites are protected by intellectual property rights. In addition to the right to use the website referred to in Article 6 of these Terms and Conditions, the user does not acquire any rights in the Websites, including the intellectual property rights of products, services, content and any other element available on the Sites. Web or through them. The Websites, their components or contents, including source codes, logos and other graphic elements, cannot be used for purposes other than those specified; in particular, such contents cannot be modified, included in a collection of works or otherwise altered, reproduced, distributed, transmitted to the public, hired or rented without the prior consent of the Operator or the rights holders. Any commercial dissemination of the content of the Websites by the user is prohibited.

9.2.  You may not assign or transfer your rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions to third parties. The user accepts that all rights and obligations of the Operator deriving from these Terms and Conditions may be assigned to third parties without the need for further consent from the user.


10.1. Information purposes

The Operator presents the contents for informational purposes only. The site does not provide advice or recommendations of any kind and should not be used for the purpose of seeking and obtaining advice for the treatment of clinical cases.

10.2. Information provided "as is"

The information on this site is provided "as is" and the Operator makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. By using this Website and the Operator's other Websites, you accept the risk that the information may be incomplete or inaccurate or not meet your needs or requirements.

10.3. Limitation of Liability

Neither the Operator nor our content providers can be held liable for any damage or injury resulting from accessing or inability to access this site or reliance on the information provided here. The Operator disclaims any and all liability for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive and special or other damages, loss of opportunity, lost profit or any other loss or damage of any kind. This limitation also includes damage or viruses that may affect your computer's equipment.

10.4. Links to other sites

This Website contains links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by the Operator. We are not responsible for or have control over the terms of use and policies, including privacy and data processing, of these sites.

These Terms and Conditions apply to this site only. We strongly encourage you to read the Terms and Conditions of Use and the information of each site you visit.

10.5. Sites that link us

The Operator does not endorse the Web sites that link to our Websites. We are not responsible for the content of these linked sites or for the control over the information that users may choose to provide to these sites.

10.6. Modifications and changes

The Operator reserves the right to alter, modify, replace or delete any content or may restrict access or discontinue distribution of this site at any time and in its sole discretion.

10.7. Copyright and use of content

The content of this Website is owned by the Operator and is protected by copyright laws. The trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and products displayed on this site are protected and no use of any of these may be made without the prior written consent of the Operator.

No modification, use or further reproduction of the contents of the Operator Websites, including, is permitted. The content may not otherwise be copied or used in any way.

10.8. Use of questions and comments

Any questions, comments, suggestions or any other communications, including ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how that you may forward to this site or otherwise to the Operator, electronically or by any other means, are on a non-confidential basis and it will become the property of the Operator, which it may use without restrictions in any way and for any purpose, including the development, production and / or marketing of goods or services.

10.9 Purchase on the online shop of

The purchase of medical devices sold in the online shop hosted on this website is reserved for professionals qualified to practice Dentistry and related clinical activities, or companies that manage and support dental clinics or clinics regularly authorized to operate. of these activities. By completing purchases in the online store hosted on this website, the user declares and confirms that he belongs to the categories detailed above and that he meets the requirements for the purchase. The Operator reserves the right, but not the obligation, to verify the truthfulness of the statements made by the user, and to take the required steps in the event of false statements.

10.10 Applicable law

Access to and use of this website and its contents will be regulated and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Italy.

11. Final provisions

11.1.   The Operator invites the user to contact him through the "Contacts" section if he believes that any information coming from the Websites violates these Terms and Conditions.

11.2.   These Terms and Conditions may be modified or updated unilaterally by the Operator at any time and without notice. You may refuse related changes to these Terms and Conditions by no longer using the Websites. The valid and current version of these Terms and Conditions is always published on the Websites and the user is required to take note of them from time to time. If you continue to use the Websites after the effective date of the changes, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes.

11.3.   The legal relations between the user and the Operator deriving from these Terms and Conditions are governed by these Terms and Conditions and, to the extent not governed by them, by the laws of the Italian Republic. Any disputes arising from the above relationships will be resolved by the competent courts of the Italian Republic, exclusively in accordance with the laws of the Italian Republic. As of now, the user accepts that, in the event of disputes relating to these Terms and Conditions, the Court of Benevento will be elected as the competent court.

11.4.   The nullity or ineffectiveness of any provision of these Terms and Conditions does not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other provisions.

11.5.  This version of these Terms and Conditions is valid and in effect from 1 September 2022 and supersedes all previous versions of these Terms and Conditions, including other parts thereof.. 

Contact us  

If you have any doubts and need clarification regarding these Terms and Conditions of Use, please contact us:

ELDO s.r.l. - Tel.: +3908271916453 Email: